
The Computer Age in Hong Kong - Dynamic Past, Hesitant Present, What Next?

The Computer Age in Hong Kong - Dynamic Past, Hesitant Present, What Next?物超所值

The Computer Age in Hong Kong - Dynamic Past, Hesitant Present, What Next?網友評鑑5顆星



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  • 本商品單次購買10本9折648

  • The Computer Age in Hong Kong - Dynamic Past, Hesitant Present, What Next?

    想看更多[The Computer Age in Hong Kong - Dynamic Past, Hesitant Present, What Next?]的詳細說明嗎


       作者是電腦業第一代資深前輩,服務 IBM(HK)三十年,他撰寫電腦業發展,詳盡真實,內容包括:

      (a) 詳述電腦業在香港以及中國的發展歷程,同時分享他親身參與過的大型項目,檢討得失成敗,甚具參考價值;

      (b) 除他本人以外,還邀請其他業內人士,按目前行業存在的問題發表寶貴意見,也展望將來行業的發展。

      “I hope the book will offer something for everyone: for the older generations to bring back fond memories of their work which have changed our world for the better; for current Government and industry leaders to assimilate the analyses of the present status and the forward suggestions to foster a better future for the local ICT industry; and for the young ICT practitioners and students who are contemplating their careers, to realize that the industry will continue to grow with plenty of exciting jobs and opportunities to fulfill their dreams, and to learn from the hard work and dedication of the past generations; for the generic historians and even the public in acquainting with the rapid advancements of our industry and the major social changes that they have created; and for fellow ICT practitioners to further contribute their experiences and ideas so that a comprehensive histrorical documentation and futher perspectives of our industry will emerge.” –Anthony O


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