博客來好書推薦-Accounting Information Systems(12版)
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For undergraduate and graduate courses in AIS.
The most comprehensive and flexible coverage of AIS.
The market-leading book that delivers the most comprehensive and flexible coverage of the four major approaches to teaching AIS. Accounting Information Systems also allows instructors to easily reorder chapters and focus the material to suit their course.
The twelfth edition covers all recent developments in AIS and how it has changed the roles of an accountant.
New To This Edition
1.More extensive coverage on fraud and computer fraud.
2.More detailed discussion on internal control frameworks: COSO, COSO-ERM, and COBIT.
3.Updated discussion on information security countermeasures, including the security and control implications associated with virtualization and cloud computing.
4.Additional Excel exercises, based on Journal of Accountancy articles, to help students develop the skills used by practitioners.
5.Many new end-of-chapter discussion questions and problems.
Marshall B. Romney
現職:Brigham Young University
Paul J. Steinbart
現職:Arizona State University